The 2nd Edition of Physical Signs of Child Sexual Abuse was published on 20th May 2015.  The Faculty of Forensic & Legal Medicine was a project partner in the ‘Purple Book’ and all those working in child sexual abuse need to be aware of it and familiar with its contents.

Another inquest is reported where methadone use and alcohol withdrawal may have played a part.  A male detainee was found unconscious in his cell and the case again raises the issue of what measures if any, can be taken to prevent deaths from causes where no particular warining signs may be identifiable.

Media reports often sensationalise stories. The headline ‘Woman jailed for ‘trying to boil’ her Peterborough husband’ was perhaps less dramatic than it seemed from the wording, the boiling water in question having been poured over the husband.

The Forensic & Policing Services Association have uploaded some of the presentations from the excellent 1st Annual Conference and others, including my own on current research in clinical forensic medicine to the FAPSA YouTube Channel.

Good to see that the Faculty of Forensic & Legal Medicine is being recognised for its expertise and is quoted in a Guardian article in relation to a recent death in custody in Scotland, on this occasion in relation to its guidance on irritant (incapacitant spray). The FFLM continues to try and improved healthcare and raise standards of such care within the police and other custodial settings, in the face of measures which are currently degrading the services.